Wednesday, November 9, 2016

A Quiet, Yet Eventful, Evening in Komatsu

After USJ, on June 1st, I spent the next morning CD hunting in Osaka. I made some good finds before I caught the Thunderbird Limited Express up towards my next destination, Kanazawa. However, when I originally charted my route I had decided to make a quick stop in the neighboring town of Komatsu to check out the many sights there. I am glad I made the detour.

Despite it being a small town, Komatsu felt quite new! I guess that could be because the Komatsu construction company was started there. I arrived in the evening, and went to the guesthouse I booked for the night. Guesthouse Mikkaichi is a brand new place, recently opened by a semi-retired carpenter who likes to restore houses. The guesthouse is an older urban Japanese house, with an vaulted atrium and a nice little garden encircled by the building.

I was greatly impressed by the slick interior, wooden layout as well as the overall architecture of the house. The staff were also very friendly, recent retirees who went in on the business with their friend.

I was the only one staying, since it was a normal Wednesday night.  So we went to dinner together at a Chinese restaurant, one of the few open that evening. Apparently Wednesday is the day most businesses take off in Komatsu. But nonetheless the food was great, since Komatsu is known for it's Chinese food.

To my surprise, my hosts graciously paid for my meal. To pay them back for the dinner, I helped register their location on Google maps. As I was working away in the common room I met a local architect with great hair (we were rocking the same cut). I had to snap a picture, which he joked featured our "silver and gold styles".

Then I headed out and refreshed myself at the nearby APA Hotel onsen. Apparently the founder of the APA Hotel chain was born in Komatsu as well, so I counted this onsen detour as a tourist activity.

Later that night back at the guesthouse the owner arrived, and decided to take us to a snack bar for karaoke. As expected, everyone was far too good, with the guesthouse owner being particularly enthusiastic. Having the mic forced upon me, I ended up butchering Major Tom but still managed to entertain everyone.